Input Devices


  MOUSE: This is a picture of a mouse which is used for moving the arrow on a computer screen so you can click on whatever you are looking.

WEB CAM: This is a picture of a webcam that is plugged into the computer and is a web camera in which you use so you can see someone or they can see you while your on the computer.

KEYBOARD: This is a picture of a keyboard which is used to type words, numbers, etc on to the computer itself.

DIGITAL CAMERA: This is a piuture of a digital camera which lets people take photos of anything you want like houses, cars, etc.

SCANNER: This is a picture of a scanner which you connect to a computer. It is used to scan and print pictures of the computer.

USB PEN: This is a picture of a USB pen which is used for when you want to save any work you have done on the computer. If you where going to use a different computer you just plug the USB pen into the computer and all the work you have saved onto the pen will show up.

Computer Graphics Tablet
GRAPHICS TABLET: A graphics tablet allows designers to draw objects on a computer screen without a keyboard or mouse. Instead, designers use a tablet, a computer that is connected wirelessly or equipment and have a traction device. The drawing device can either write with a pen or stylus, plastic pen object, or draw on a platter. A graphics tablet is also called a graphics tablet or sketchbook. 

MOBILE PHONE: Is used by more or less everyone in the world to keep in contact with each other and also used for all sorts of other things like internet, games, etc.

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